A symbol of hospitality, Moroccan mint tea is offered throughout the day in homes, shops, and restaurants. Turning down a glass of tea would be considered quite rude. Considering its delicious taste and the beautiful gold filigree glasses in which it’s served, who could say no?
Serves 8
What You Need:
4 cups water
2 green-tea teabags
Generous handful of fresh mint, stems included
1/4 cup sugar
What You Do:
In a kettle or medium saucepan, boil water. Place the teabags in a medium-sized teapot. Remove the boiling water from heat and pour over the teabags.
Add the fresh mint and sugar to the teapot. Allow the mixture to steep for 5 minutes.
Stir the tea and pour into 4-ounce tea or juice glasses and serve.