April and May 2022 Luscious, Tender, Juicy Events
Saturday April 30, 2022 at 4 PM – Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day with me at the Towne Book Center. I’ll demo a “Luscious, Tender, Juicy” recipe and talk about why the word moist is not nearly as dreadful as some people think. In fact, it’s the perfect term for describing food that is luscious, tender and juicy! Note that this is an in-person event adhering to the latest CDC guidelines.
Tuesday May 17, 2022 at 5 PM – Take a trip to the beach with me,”Luscious, Tender, Juicy,” and Rehoboth Beach’s Browseabout Books. I’ll chat about writing a cookbook on moist cooking techniques, demonstrate an easy appetizer, and answer questions about food, writing, cooking, and what makes a dish luscious, tender, and juicy! Note that this is virtual event held in conjunction with Browseabout Books and Edible Delmarva. Advance registration is required.
Cook with Me!
Want to learn more about food, cooking and culinary histories? You’re in luck! In addition to writing about food, I also teach and lecture on an array of culinary topics, including seafood, world cuisines and baked goods. Check the schedule below to see if I’m appearing in your neighborhood.
Throughout the year I hold demonstration and hands-on cooking classes at “Ye Olde Farmhouse,” the 1801, suburban Philadelphia farmhouse that my husband and I have renovated. Topics range from seafood to side dishes and desserts. Classes are small and fill up quickly. If interested, shoot me an email at kathy_hunt@yahoo.com for availability and further details.
Upcoming Cooking Classes
Check back at the end of February 2022 for information on virtual and in-person classes. Until then, check out the list of Luscious, Tender, Juicy events.