Month: October 2020

sweet potato pudding

Sweet Potato Pudding

Every time I bake a soft, honeyed sweet potato, I think, “Boy, I don’t eat enough of these!” As the name indicates, this root vegetable possesses a pleasing sweet flavor, one that goes well with a variety of foods and preparations. It also has a deep orange hue that enlivens any dinner or dessert plate. Its gorgeous color comes from the large amount of beta carotene that it contains. An antioxidant, beta carotene converts into Vitamin A. Pretty, delicious and nutritious! Selecting the right root In the U.S. we use the terms “sweet potato” and “yam” interchangeably. They are not the same vegetable. They aren’t even from the same plant family. Although they both come from Southern America and are root vegetables, yams have a woodier, more root-like appearance. Their skins range from off-white to dark brown. Their slightly mealy flesh runs from off-white to pink. Unlike sweet potatoes, they must be cooked before eaten. If you’re not shopping at a specialty/international market and you spot a mound of potatoes labeled “yams,” chances are you’re …